I am so happy to announce that we will be meeting once again this year on Tuesday mornings at the Evergreen Cafe located at 501 West Cold Spring Lane. We will meet from 7:00 A.M. until about 7:40 A.M. and then we will head over to school. Light breakfast items (muffins, croissants, etc) are available for the students as well as beverages like Snapple and hot chocolate. Students do not have to bring any money to purchase items, but parents who wish to do so may make donations to
Baltimore Focus to help offset the cost of the breakfast items. Transportation to Calvert will be provided by Skip Howe or a parent of someone attending the study.The first Tuesday we will meet this year will be September 9th. Jenny Noon who co-led the group last year has moved out of state so this year Skip will be leading it alone.
A typical Bible Study consists of the following:
7:00 - 7:05 Get food and start to eat
7:05 - 7:10 Answer a get to know you question ( i.e. If you could have a superpower what would it be?)
7:10 - 7:40 Socratic Method Bible Study with a short presentation and a whole lot of questions asked
7:40 Leave for Calvert
This year we will be doing a series called Through The Bible in a School Year in which each week the Bible Study will deal with a different book of the Bible (with some omissions and books joined together since there are 66 books and only 36 or so weeks.)
Each week there will be a blog post that details what was studied and a few questions for further reflection at home if parents want to see what we talked about in the morning.
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