Tuesday, January 20, 2015

And thou, O Wall, O sweet, O lovely Wall

Wow..what a tumultuous time. Between Christmas break and the way the weather has been picking on Tuesdays we have not met a lot lately. That will change when we get to spring...the best season of the year. We had thirteen students today and we had a great time catching up on our lives and going through this study. Because of our great discussion we did not quite finish the study which happens from time to time. We did have great discussion which is also a great and valuable thing.

To see the study click here.

BOWLING NIGHT...calling all FOCUS students and their friends. On Friday, February 20th we will be at Stoneleigh Lanes from 7:00 - 9:00 PM. The cost is $10.00 which will include the shoes, the bowling, and the amazing amount of fun we are going to have. RSVP...I would say "Please RSVP" but that would be redundant:)

Questions for the dinner table

Who was Nehemiah?
What did he do that was impressive?
What will people say about you hundreds of years from now?