Today the 29 students in attendance and I talked about Jesus' first miracle in which He turned water into wine. The lesson may be seen here. We had a great discussion about the nature of miracles and how this act ushered in a new phase of Jesus' ministry.
Questions for discussion...
If you had been a the wedding would you have believed a miracle had taken place?
Do miracles still take place today?
What is the difference between a miracle and an amazing coincidence?
Is alcohol a good thing or a bad thing? (we touched on this in the study and I made the point that things are usually not the issue, it is how we treat them..overuse is the real issue)
Questions for discussion...
If you had been a the wedding would you have believed a miracle had taken place?
Do miracles still take place today?
What is the difference between a miracle and an amazing coincidence?
Is alcohol a good thing or a bad thing? (we touched on this in the study and I made the point that things are usually not the issue, it is how we treat them..overuse is the real issue)