Today we had a lively group of 16 students this morning as we dove into a difficult passage from Ecclesiastes...the book as a whole raises some amazing questions, but Chapter 3 in particular is a favorite of mine. We talked through the first 8 verses and then discussed some of the troubling aspects of the verses that follow. The central message in the study is that God's truth is absolute, but because of our sin our lives are messy and as we pass through our lives we sometimes tread on shaky moral ground. Because of the fall we are confronted with situations in which there is not always an easy answer. Being able to talk to students about this in the context of a Bible Study will hopefully give them a basis from which to draw as they encounter difficult situations.
The text of the lesson can be seen
here. I did not get through the whole study, but that was because of the great discussions that took us on very valuable tangents.
Dinner questions:
Is it ever okay to be angry?
Is it ever okay to be angry at God?
Is it ever okay to doubt God?
Why are books like Ecclesiastes in the Bible?
What is their value?
How can we come to grips with the apparent contradictions in this book with the rest of the Bible?